5 Innovative Ways To Advertise Your Web Site

Alice At Heart1. Directory Linking

Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic. Give people the option of adding the directory to their web site by linking to it. Put your business advertisement at the top of the director's home page. This technique will get lots of people to link to your web site and give you free advertising.

2. Bonus Advertising

Do you have a product or service that doesn't sell good? Offer it as a free bonus for someone else's product or service. Get free advertising by placing your web site or business ad on the product or in the product package.

3. Autoresponder Trade

Trade autoresponder ads with other businesses. If both of you send out information with auto-responders just exchange a small classified ad to put at the bottom or top of each other's autoresponder message.

4. Tip Line

Start a free tip line. Offer a free daily, weekly, or monthly tip recorded on your voice mail. The tips should be related to your business. Include your ad for your web site or business at the beginning or end of your message.

5. Content Swap

Exchange content with other web sites and ezines. You could trade articles, top ten lists, etc. Both parties could include a resource box at the end of the content.
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5 Basic To Evaluate An Affiliate Program

Ok so you think you have found a good affiliate program to promote on your website or in your newsletter? There are some basic things you need to look out for before joining any affiliate program. Some of them may seem minor but those little petty things can cause you to lose hundreds of dollars in affiliate revenue.

Here are some of the basic things to watch out for when joining an affiliate program:

No Affiliate Manager Contact Information

If they don't provide you with a way to contact them about their affiliate program then what are you going to do if you have a problem? Who are you going to email or call if your check doesn't arrive?

Commission Is To Low

Do you really want to spend time on an affiliate program that pays a measely 2%? I see these programs all over. They pitch their affiliate program and make it sound like it is a privelidge to join their affiliate program and earn pennies per sale. I usually stay away from programs that offer less than 8% commission. I will go a little lower if the products sell good and there is a good profit.

Unreasonable Cookie Length

Make sure you find this in their terms or information pages. This is the amount of time that the customer that clicks through your link remains yours. The standard cookie length is 30 days. This means that if your visitor clicks your affiliate link then they have 30 days to buy for you to get credit. You really don't want to promote an affiliate program that offers less than a 30 day cookie length.

Merchant Site Has Traffic Leaks

Probably the most common thing I see with affiliate programs. Mostly from newbie merchants that just got their affiliate program started. Most don't realize what they are doing and usually will correct the problem once I explain to them how traffic leaks are hurting their business and their affiliate program. Traffic leaks are links on the affiliate program site that potential customers can click on and go to other sites... sites that the affiliate won't get credit for if the visitor buys something. Leaks can consist of third-party banner ads, Google AdSense ads, popups, popunders, text links, etc...

No Phone Sale Tracking

With the internet market growing so rapidly every year this means more customers are shopping online. Alot of them will call the merchants 800 number to call in their order instead of submitting it online. Where does this leave you? The merchant gets the cash on the sale while you get stiffed. So when evaluating an affiliate program be sure to check to see if the merchant has measures set up to track phone orders for affiliates. It is simple to set up and it puts the affiliates ID number next to the phone number. So when customers call in they are asked for that number so they can manually credit the appropriate affiliate for the sale.
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Tips For Shopping With Coupon Croc

Coupon Croc-Never Pay Full Price Again - One easy place to shop is through internet, in addition to simple and easy to do transactions, you also do not need to use other costs such as transportation.

The question now, how often do you shop online or whether the Internet is one place you do a transaction and send the goods?

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WoMo.in Search Engine

www.WoMo.in is one search engine in the world of the Internet. Although relatively new, but there are many advantages in this search engine. one example at the time we headed to the site, the search engine will display some of the popular keywords at this time.

For friends who want informed and keyword that are popular, there is no harm if we take advantage of this search engine as a reference in making the article and determine the keywords in our articles. In addition, when we type the word to be searched, the search engine will display associated with the word that we type.
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Pay Per Click Search Engines

Title and description

When choosing the title and description for one's advertisement, one should take special care to include factual, attention grabbing information about one's service or product. For example, if one is promoting an online casino directory, then one may consider using a factual title such as "Online Casinos" as opposed to the title "Gambling" which is too broad and general. An example of a factual and attention grabbing description might be "Receive $1000+ in free casino bonuses" as opposed to a plain description such as "Directory of Internet casinos". Which title and description would you be more likely to click on? (A) "Online Casinos: Directory of Internet casinos" or (B) "Online Casinos: Receive $1000+ in free casino bonuses"?


Choose relevant keywords that accurately describe the service or product that you are promoting. Given sufficient time and resources, one can literally produce thousands of related keywords for any subject. However, using a massive list of keywords is not advised because in most cases only a small fraction of these keywords are relevant while the vast majority of the keywords are not, and would merely serve to drain the advertiser's funds. For example, whereas the following keywords may accurately describe an online casino directory; "online casino, online casinos, online casino directory", other keywords such as "gambling, poker chips, Las Vegas" are too general, too vague and in most cases irrelevant to the subject of interest.

Search Results Positions

The first set of positions in search engine results will usually attract the most amount of traffic. Although this is advantageous for person's whose results appear in the first set of search results in google, yahoo, msn and other free search engines, it may not be the case for persons whose search results appear in the top positions of ppc search engine results. Most ppc search engines have affiliate programs which offer webmasters incentives to promote them, and the more people an affiliate webmaster can get to click on the paid listings, the more money he/she earns. While many ppc search engines have anti-fraud systems in place to minimize the risk of an advertiser losing his/her funds as a result of fraudulent clicking, some ppc search engines may not. For this reason, it is not always advisable to bid for the top 3 search result positions of a ppc search engine unless the ppc search engine has a very effective anti-fraud system to protect the advertiser from fraudulent activity.

Investigating the PPC search engine

Before opening an account with any ppc search engine, it is advisable to read as many reviews about the search engine as possible. Most especially, read about the experiences of persons who have used it before. Does it have good customer service? What anti-fraud measures does it utilize? What is it's Alexa.com rank? Who else is advertising on it? Are there any super affiliates advertising on it? How do the bid amounts of the ppc search engine compare to the bid amounts of other ppc search engnes? These will usually give you an idea of whether to use it or not.

Tracking Sales

Depending on the product or service being promoted, there are several ways to track the results of an advertising campaign. If you are the owner of a particular site which has it's own affiliate program, then you may wish to consider setting up a unique affiliate account for every ppc search engine that you decide to use. For example, you may set up an affiliate account for ppc search engine xyz and call the affiliate account xyz. Then you can track the effectiveness of search engine xyz by monitoring the profitability of affiliate account xyz. Some affiliate programs allow advertisers to set up unique advertising campaigns with unique linking codes, landing pages, etc. These are also ideal for tracking the profitability of ppc search engines.

Monitoring Traffic

One means of tracking the traffic received from ppc search engines would be to allocate a unique entry point for each ppc search engine and to monitor the statistics of that entry point. Another means of tracking the traffic received from ppc search engines would be to add the tag ?Name-of-PPC-search-Engine at the end of the url being promoted on the ppc search engine. This would serve to inform the advertiser as to which ppc search engine sent a particular visitor. The best way to monitor the traffic received from a PPC search engine is to add an indepth statistical tracker to a website in order to monitor exactly where the traffic is coming from. It is very important to keep a close eye on where your traffic is coming from because if there is any fraudulent activity going on, you'd want to stop it before your advertising funds expire. For example, if a ppc search engine affiliate has posted a link back to your service/product with misleading words in order to encourage his visitors to click on your listing, then you'd want to know about it before your advertising funds are exhausted due to fraudulent clicking.

Monitor Bids

It is very important to monitor the bids for the keywords chosen on a regular basis. Bid amounts constantly change as advertising accounts drop out and new advertising accounts open, etc. For example, if you are paying $0.26 per click to be in the third position of the search results for a particular keyword, but position number four is only bidding $0.05 per click, then you are wasting $0.20 per click because you would only need to bid $0.06 per click to be in the third position of the search results.
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Keys for a Successful Affiliate

Show me the panda - To be a successful affiliate you should know some basic things about marketing. Considering the following points before becoming an affiliate can save a lot of time and money.

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5 Ways You Can Promote Your Website on Facebook

The genius of promoting products and services over the Internet was already gaining popularity even before social media websites obtained prominence in the cyber world. Then Facebook entered the scene, and the whole online marketing business got blown to proportions way beyond people's initial expectations.

As Facebook gained prominence and its membership grew by millions, it became more than just a simple social networking service. It has become one of the world's leading social media marketing medium as well. With the vast diversity and large population of its members, it only made sense that it led to what we now call Facebook marketing.
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Cara Cepat Dapat Limpahan Trafik

Istilah lainnya yakni Trik,tips Jitu menaikkan trafik pengunjung ini dijamin akan membuat blog anda kedatangan ribuan bahkan jutaan kunjungan.
Saran saya....halaman ini sebaiknya anda save dulu. Dan luangkan waktu untuk membacanya saat off-line.... Jika anda tidak butuh trafik, anda boleh meninggalkan halaman ini.... Namun, jika anda sangat butuh trafik ada baiknya anda membaca artikel ini sampai selesai...
Sebelum anda lanjut, mungkin anda bertanya-tanya mengapa anda membutuhkan trafik? Inilah alasannya.
  1. Trafik adalah salah satu indikator yang digunakan google dan search engine lainnya untuk menentukan seberapa penting blog atau website anda.
  2. Trafik juga menjadi indikator bahwa blog anda adalah blog yang terpercaya, sehingga anda akan jauh lebih mudah meraih posisi di halaman pertama Google.
  3. Jika anda sedang mengikuti program posting berbayar maka anda amat sangat memerlukan trafik melebihi anda memerlukan Pagerank. Jika Alexa anda di atas 300.000, maka anda akan sangat mudah memenangkan bid (tawar menawar) dengan pengiklan.

Ok, akan sangat sulit bagi saya untuk menjelaskan kelebihan program ini, sebelum saya menjelaskan cara bermainnya. Saya pastikan cara ini lebih mudah daripada blogwalking setiap hari. Coba hitung berapa waktu yang anda habiskan setiap harinya untuk blogwalking??? Dan berapa banyak yang bisa anda undang setiap kali anda blogwalking??? Saya juga blogwalking, dan mungkin itu akan menjadi kegiatan harian hanya untuk mempertahankan posisi alexa rank anda....

Di sistem ini ada beberapa tindakan yang perlu anda lakukan. Lakukanlah tanpa menutup halaman ini (soalnya ini adalah panduan bahasa Indonesia anda).
  1. Segeralah menuju ke halaman http://www.1millionfreehits.com atau klik di sini
  2. Segeralah geser halaman dari webpage ini ke bawah sampai anda menemukan tampilan seperti ini (7 gambar thumbnails)
  3. Klik kanan di setiap gambar thumbnails dan pilihlah pilihan untuk membuka di tab baru (open in a new tab). Sehingga terbuka 7 tab baru
  4. Di atas jendela setiap Tab akan ada Bar berwarna biru dengan tulisan “AD CODE GENERATION....please wait”. Tunggulah sampai muncul kode angka.
  5. Letakkan kode angka yang anda temukan sesuai urutan pada kolom-kolom di bawah gambar thumbnail
  6. Masukkan data anda pada formulir berikut dan klik submit
  7. Buka alamat e-mail yang anda masukkan pada formulir tadi dan cari e-mail dari 1millionfreehits.com. Isi e-mail akan terlihat seperti ini
  8. Lalu klik link yang dilingkari merah
  9. Anda akan masuk ke halaman ucapan selamat ini
  10. Catat ID dan Password anda kemudian klik MEMBER ADMIN AREA yang dilingkari merah. Anda akan masuk ke halaman login ini
  11. Masukkan ID dan Password anda kemudian klik submit.

Yang dilingkari merah adalah URL keanggotaan anda yang perlu anda catat. Kemudian yang berwarna biru adalah kotak yang dapat anda gunakan untuk memantau perkembangan sistem anda.

Sekarang anda perlu mempromosikan link keanggotaan anda, layaknya viral service yang lain. Buatlah blog seperti yang sedang anda baca saat ini. Blognya haruslah blog baru dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan blog yang anda ingin promosikan(PENTING!!!). Isilah blog itu dengan artikel semacam ini, tapi jika anda malas, silahkan Copy Paste artikel ini.

catatan bagi yang copy paste:
Pada tahap pertama di atas ada sebuah link, link itu adalah link keanggotaan saya, harap ganti dengan link anda sendiri

Untuk Copy Paste, sorot saja semua bagian artikel ini (ingat hanya artikel saja) dan copy. Semua text dan gambar akan otomatis tercopy dan bisa dipaste di ENTRI BARU Blogger.com

Sekarang masuklah ke blog yang anda promosikan (blog utama anda) kemudian pasang link di sidebar anda yang menuju ke URL keanggotaan anda (URL keanggotaan di e-mail anda). (PENTING!!!) untuk mendapatkan refferal guna meningkatkan traffik dan backlink anda.

Baiklah sekarang saya akan menjelaskan keunggulan program ini dibandingkan program viral lainnya.
  1. Program ini adalah program berbahasa inggris sehingga anda bisa mengajak blogger luar negeri untuk bergabung.
  2. Program ini mengharuskan pesertanya mengklik thumbnail untuk mendapatkan kode, jadi pasti pertambahan anggota akan menghasilkan traffic bagi anda. Program viral lain hanya menawarkan baclink dan tidak ada jaminan anggota baru mengklik link anda. Program ini tidak hanya menawarkan backlink, tapi juga menawarkan trafik yang membantu Alexa Rank anda. Berapa banyak trafik itu:Perhatikanlah bahwa ada 6 thumbnail, setiap kali ada yang mendaftar maka dia akan menempati urutan pertama, dan jika ada referal baru mendaftar dia akan turun ke peringkat 2, dst. Anggap saja masing-masing kita mengajak 10 orang saja (sangat mungkin lebih), maka jumlah kunjungan dan backlink anda adalah:

    Di posisi 1: 10 link dan kunjungan
    Di posisi 2: 100 link dan kunjungan
    Di posisi 3: 1000 link dan kunjungan
    Di posisi 4: 10000 link dan kunjungan
    Di posisi 5: 100000 link dan kunjungan
    Di posisi 6: 1000000 link dan kunjungan
    Bisakah anda membayangkan jika blog anda dikunjungi 1.000.000 orang dan mendapat 1.000.000 backlink (one-way backlink!). Berapa alexa rank, pagerank dan link popularity anda? Luar biasa besarnya! Tidak akan ada yang menolak bid anda. Banyak yang akan meminta memasang iklan di blog anda, dan itu berarti income dalam jumlah yang besar. Hanya saja anda memang perlu repot melakukan yang diterangkan di sini.

    Perhatian: sifat sistem ini mirip bisnis jaringan tapi sebenarnya sangat berbeda, karena tidak akan ada istilah jenuh. Mengapa? Karena setiap saat muncul blog baru, bahkan anda bisa menjadi anggota dari anggota anda sendiri, dengan mendaftarkan blog yang berbeda. Dengan kata lain skemanya bukan piramid melainkan jaring laba-laba

    Dapatkah anda melihat angka di atas? Banyak artikel viral link yang diedarkan mengatakan bisa mendapat jutaan link padahal mereka hanya bermain di Indonesia. Blogger serius di Indonesia tidak sebanyak itu....
  3. Backlink yang lebih berkualitas. Mengapa?

    Apakah anda memperhatikan bahwa di atas anda diminta untuk membuat backlink dari blog utama anda ke halaman URL keanggotaan anda. Hal ini ditujukan untuk membantu search engine mengindeks halaman keanggotaan anda ini. Untuk 1 link keluar yang menuju URL keanggotaan anda ini, anda berpotensi mendapatkan 1.000.000 backlink yang one way backlink.

    Apakah anda merugikan orang lain (mencuri Pagerank orang lain). Tentu tidak! Backlink anda akan berasal dari URL keanggotaan orang tersebut dan bukan berasal dari URL blog utama orang tersebut.

    Berapa nilai Backlink dari halaman keanggotaan itu? Meskipun PRnya sangat kecil, namun karena jumlah link yang ada Cuma 7 biji, maka nilai PR yang ditawarkan lebih baik daripada PR yang diperoleh dari blog dengan PR2 yang memiliki 150 link dalam 1 halamannya (Peserta link exchange).

Apakah anda tahu bahwa artikel MLM backlink tidak banyak menguntungkan anda? Mengapa?
  1. Artikel itu ditulis berulang-ulang dan anda harus mempostingnya pada blog utama anda. Bukanlah hal yang baik memiliki artikel yang ditulis berulang-ulang (plagiat) di dalam blog anda.
  2. Link anda dipasang di artikel yang belum tentu akan terindeks oleh Google. Artinya belum tentu jadi backlink, dan sangat sulit mendatangkan trafik. (jarang yang mengklik)
  3. Artikel MLM backlink belum tentu senada dengan tema blog anda, sehingga bisa mengganggu keyword anda saat masih menghuni homepage anda.
  4. Sistem ini memberikan anda alat yang dapat anda gunakan untuk memantau perkembangan, berbeda dengan artikel MLM backlink yang tidak terpantau sama sekali.

Jika anda benar-benar membutuhkan trafik dan backlink, maka menurut saya pribadi, cara ini bisa membantu anda. Tinggal mempromosikannya dengan baik ke minimal 10 orang. Jika anda benar-benar ingin melakukan semua prosedur ini, maka akan memakan waktu sekitar 1 jam, yang terdiri dari 10 menit pendaftaran, 20 menit membuat blog promosi, dan 30 menit untuk mempromosikannya ke teman-teman anda. Biarkanlah mereka menentukan apakah mereka membutuhkan Trafik dan Backlink ini. Namun jika anda membaca sampai di titik ini, maka tidak ada keraguan lagi anda MEMANG MEMBUTUHKAN TRAFIK DAN BACKLINK.
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Build Home Based Business

There are several ways for your business to the Internet at home. One of the best ways to do this is to start your blog.

1. Blogs are easy to install. You can blog with Blogger.com which was implemented by Google.

The best way is the host. Host Gator has a fantastic function calls, which allows you to create a blog with a click of a button.

2. Blog articles are a great way to attract readers. 

If people find very interesting your article back to read more. This helps you as an expert in a fire. If you promote an opportunity is likely, if you know what you’re talking about.

3. You can produce on your blog. It is easy to do by joining affiliate marketing programs.

Then simply add the banner to your blog and read the blog money is worth a purchase on your banner. Add link text link ads for your products. You can add them directly to the body blog writing. This goal is keyword phrases specific to hyperlinks.

4. Makes video marketing. A converter is an easy way to do this, use the article video robot.

You can publish your articles and videos to transform you and your blog. This support, more original shows and give it a professional look. Are some tips on how to use a blog for your business on the Internet for construction. Chances are that your competitors are already doing what you want to check.
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